yah.. i finally gave in to the 'itch' & on 1st may, i totally gave in to the "DARK SIDE".
as you guys know, i have been itching for almost 9mths to a new DSLR camera. 1st was tinking of the 5Dmk2 & then i thought to save some money & thought of the D90.. but somehow i didnt want a mid range camera & started aiming for the D3. LOL.. the price is crazy for the D3, almost S$7k. so i drop a step back & seriously started to tink abt the D700.
Well, after reading tonnes of reviews & feedback for the past 2 weeks.. my urge grew stronger. I WANT THE D700, i told myself!!!
Then last evening, i pop-by to John 3:16 at abt 7pm, wanting to get some feedback & advise from leslie & sam. but these 2 chaps (yeah i have known them for abt 17yrs oredi) were as usual jus too darn busy. didn't really have time to chat with me. So i left the shop & tinking in my mind... i'll come back another day...
Heehee.. & on the next day (which is today, 1st May 2009), i finally decided. YES i am gonna get it! Went down to John's at abt 5pm & hang ard the shop until abt almost 7pm, then i finally.. finally.. finally got the D700! yeah the DAMAGE is done! & wat else i got??.. LOL, i'll show you!

Top left: Nikon Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 (aka Battery Grip)
Top right: Lexar Pro UDMA 8GB CF card
Bottom left: Nikon D700 Body
Bottom right: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED (2.9x)

The sweetest standard Zoom Lens from Nikon, too bad no VR on this, but its constant f2.8 from 24mm to 70mm.

To me this is the awesome walkabout lens for almost any situation.
Next. is the D700 body...

Simply shweeeeeet!
Then i mounted up the lens & screw in the batt grip..

this beast is soooo mean looking! looks jus like the D3! hahaha
& to spice up this "beastly" feel, i setup my good old CT4 flash to it!

now its lagi "Fricking MEAN" looking! haha dun ask me the weight. i tink its almost like 3kg++ in this setup..
gosh i am so delighted to be back in the Dark side again. this means More Damage on my pocket pretty soon... (oredi eyeing on the 14-24mm f2.8, bloody $2.8k)
Well, for now i am totally overjoyed with this new TOY! Looking forward to go out & shoot once the batteries are charged!

as you guys know, i have been itching for almost 9mths to a new DSLR camera. 1st was tinking of the 5Dmk2 & then i thought to save some money & thought of the D90.. but somehow i didnt want a mid range camera & started aiming for the D3. LOL.. the price is crazy for the D3, almost S$7k. so i drop a step back & seriously started to tink abt the D700.
Well, after reading tonnes of reviews & feedback for the past 2 weeks.. my urge grew stronger. I WANT THE D700, i told myself!!!
Then last evening, i pop-by to John 3:16 at abt 7pm, wanting to get some feedback & advise from leslie & sam. but these 2 chaps (yeah i have known them for abt 17yrs oredi) were as usual jus too darn busy. didn't really have time to chat with me. So i left the shop & tinking in my mind... i'll come back another day...
Heehee.. & on the next day (which is today, 1st May 2009), i finally decided. YES i am gonna get it! Went down to John's at abt 5pm & hang ard the shop until abt almost 7pm, then i finally.. finally.. finally got the D700! yeah the DAMAGE is done! & wat else i got??.. LOL, i'll show you!

Top left: Nikon Multi-Power Battery Pack MB-D10 (aka Battery Grip)
Top right: Lexar Pro UDMA 8GB CF card
Bottom left: Nikon D700 Body
Bottom right: AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED (2.9x)

The sweetest standard Zoom Lens from Nikon, too bad no VR on this, but its constant f2.8 from 24mm to 70mm.

To me this is the awesome walkabout lens for almost any situation.
Next. is the D700 body...

Simply shweeeeeet!
Then i mounted up the lens & screw in the batt grip..

this beast is soooo mean looking! looks jus like the D3! hahaha
& to spice up this "beastly" feel, i setup my good old CT4 flash to it!

now its lagi "Fricking MEAN" looking! haha dun ask me the weight. i tink its almost like 3kg++ in this setup..
gosh i am so delighted to be back in the Dark side again. this means More Damage on my pocket pretty soon... (oredi eyeing on the 14-24mm f2.8, bloody $2.8k)
Well, for now i am totally overjoyed with this new TOY! Looking forward to go out & shoot once the batteries are charged!

where's the viking's horn u said u gonna add ? to make it MORE FUCKING MEEAAAAAAANNNNNN....
haha... ok i will add that to my to-do list. will make horns for it. =D
Pass me the D700 and you can keep the Oly
btw, is that my CT4?